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"Heparin is the very best therapy for first 7 days. Topical use alone is usually sufficient in burned children, and often sufficient in adults. Heparin is best overall for burns.” Dr. Alberto Reyes Escamilla, MD FMCS 







Dr. Alberto Reyes Escamilla, MD FMCS, former Director of Department of Surgery, Head of Burn Center, General Hospital, Tijuana, Mexico.







Dr. Alberto Reyes and associated Attending Doctors and Residents: 

  • Started adding heparin in year 2000 to treatment of 325 patients with large burns admitted to the General Hospital, a ~100/yr, 25-30% children, age 8 mo to 82 yrs. 
  • Administered heparin topically, intravenously, and subcutaneously. 
  • Reproduced and reported the heparin benefits in burns of previous researchers. 
  • ? Deaths with heparin use were 2 total in 325 consecutive patients, a less than 1% mortality rate, compared to 22 deaths in a total 71 similarly burned patients with similar size and severity burns treated without use of heparin 
  • – a 30.9% mortality rate. 
  • Treated with Dr. Saliba and published in Annals of Burns and Fire Disasters Journal a study involving 10 persons simultaneously burned in a propane-gas-tank explosion-fire, entitled: Reyes A et.al .“Burns treated with and without heparin: controlled use in a thermal disaster.” 
  • Similarly performed and submitted for publication study: “Saliba MJ, Reyes A, Lockard JS. “Heparin therapy in electrical burns. first study and pictures.” 
  • Translated Heparin Burn Protocol into Spanish (Espanol). 
  • Traveled, presented, demonstrated, instructed, and consulted heparin therapy in burns implementation into Mexican States of Baja California, Senora, Durango, Monterrey, Vera Cruz, and Acapulco Mexico, accompanied by Dr. Saliba. 
    • Also traveled to Mexico City several times and had meetings with Federal Director of Social Security Service, the President and Commissioner of Health and Hospitals for all of Mexico, Dr. Ector Jaime Ramirez Barba. Dr. Barba officially approved and authorized use of heparin in burned patients throughout Mexico. 
    • Accompanied Dr. Saliba New Years Day 2001 in flying to Lima Peru to assist in the massive fireworks thermal disaster explosions and fires that killed 306 persons and hospitalized over 200 seriously burned persons. Presentations were made to doctors. However, heparin was not used, as Plastic Surgeons, Burn Specialists from Israel, who arrived first implemented conventional surgical treatment, and the Lima doctors, unfamiliar with heparin treatment, elected not to add it. Doctors must be informed and have experience with heparin use prior to thermal disasters. 
    • Dr. Reyes was one of SBI associated doctors who traveled, presented and variably implemented heparin into Shanghai and Hefei City China, Seoul South Korea, Yokohoma Japan, and Lusaka Zambia. 
    • Presented studies at 3rd Int’l. Heparin Symposium, in Las Vegas, USA March 2000; 
    • At First Pan-American Int’l. Heparin Symposium in San Salvador El Salvador, June 2000; 
    • At 12th ISBI Congress, 5th Heparin Symposium, in Yokohoma Japan 2004; 
    • At 5th Asian Pacific Burn Congress and 6th Int’l. Heparin Symposium in Shanghai China , Nov 2006 
    • At 13th ISBI Congress, 7th Int’l. Heparin Symposium in Fortaleza, Brazil Aug 2006. 
    • ? “Heparin is the very best therapy for first 7 days. Topical use alone is usually sufficient in burned children, and often sufficient in adults. Heparin is best overall for burns, and the costs are reduced 50-80%”. 
    • “Heparin reduced days in hospital, reduced operations, reduced use of antibiotics, analgesics, and mechanical ventilation." Dr. José Antonio Luviano García. Chief of Burn Center, Department of Intensive Care. Monterrey Nuevo Leon México. and 4 doctors who work with him in the burn center started treating burned patients with heparin, administered topically in 2005. 
    • Our patients are mostly adults, perhaps 95% and children about 5%. Age range 9-62. 
    • Benefits with heparin include relief of pain, reduced mortality, improved treatment, fewer procedures, less days in hospital, 
    • Costs are not a factor as we are supported by our Mexican Government